
I need the best advice you can give me..!!?

by  |  earlier

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i am 16 and looking for a job.for the first time..and i want to start making money on my please give places i can start working at...or ways i can make money legally. and who hiring and the pay.




  1. My advice is supermarkets, corner shops, coffee shops, department stores and the lot. Print off fifty copies of your CV and spend a day in town handing them out to anybody who will take them. Don't bother trying bars/pubs. At 16, you won't be allowed to serve alcohol.

  2. what are your interests? whatever they are, look for a job in that field. At 16, you options are limited, but you could talk to your parents or relatives and be eager about doing anything asked. Enthusiasm will go a long way in getting a job chance. You might also consider volunteering somewhere and helping those even less fortunate than you--and if you do a good job, maybe someone will be impressed enough to offer you a good job. Lets see, when i was 16 i had a paper route and i mowed greens at a golf course and also was a plumbers' apprentice for my uncle. Remember: the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. Good luck.

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