
I need the opinion of someone who has taken Anthro, Sociology, Humanities or something like that in University

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Okay so I am fifteen and I will be going into grade 11 next year and although I have already chosen my courses I can't help but feel as though I am making mistakes. Could you PLEASE help me?

I am interested in the world, different people and different cultures. My career would have to be about stuff like that, but I was also thinking helping to alleviate world suffering and poverty and all that; most likely by working through an organization.

In University I would probably take Anthropology, Sociology, Humanities, International Development or even Social Work. If you have taken any of these courses, what did you need in high school to get into them. To be frank I suck in Math and I was planning on taking Mixed Math next year (a mixture of University math and College math) and I was not planning on taking any Science because I didn't think I had to.

Are these smart choices or am I closing doors for myself?

I am so stressed out about this, please help me!




  1. I am a Sociology Professor and advised Freshman coming into college before their first semester.

    Depending on the size of the college or university you chose to attend, you may be placed into a math class according to your history, or you may need to test for placement.

    There are general requirements defined by each state that every college student must meet before graduation. The requirements almost always include a math of college level, a Lab science, and two years of foreign language, not to mention a host of classes in government, history, humanities and a writing course.

    I would take the classes that you are weak in, and work hard to understand the material. If you take college level courses in high school, you can retake them in college for credit, although they may try to convince you otherwise. This means if you can take Algebra 2 in High school, do it, then take it again in college. I think that is the minimum level of accepted math in college.

    So you are not mislead, early sociology is interesting and many find it easy. But if it becomes your major, math becomes important, it is after all a science also.

    If you want to talk to someone at a college you are interested in attending they would be more then willing to talk with you about these concerns.

  2. You don't need anything in high school to get into those classes in college.

    All you need to worry about is getting good grades to get into college.

    I work in administration for local government pursuing my BS in Psychology.

  3. You don't need to take ANY specific courses in H.S. to get into a specific major in college. HOWEVER, you do need to take specific courses to get into some specific colleges.

    In general colleges are looking for well prepared H.S. students - so courses in English, social studies, humanities, science (biology, chemistry, physics) and math - you should ideally be up to trig and many students get up to calculus.

    Your goal is to do as well as you can.

    So your math plan sounds fine assuming that university math and college math means you are taking higher order math.

    Have you taken any science in H.S. - If not than I don't think this is sound. Social work usually requires Biology at the college level - and so you want to take it in H.S. before going to college.


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