
I need tips for high school. help/tips? 10 points.

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I'm an upcoming freshman this year.

Idk but i need tips you know?

or what i should wear on a daily basis or stuff like that.

organization etc.

so please help?




  1. Ooh, the jump from junior high/middle school to high school. :D Basic tips should include:

    - Don't procrastinate! You may think that work seems easy in the beginning but as the year progresses, the teachers will being adding work that may take a week or so to complete. Don't wait to the last minute. (Personal experience :D)

    - Wear comfortable clothing. Looking cute is nice but balancing on 5-inch heels while trying to book-it to your next class can result in a few face-plants.

    - Keep your locker organized and maybe carry a large purse/book-bag around with you to keep the essentials close. You sometimes don't have time to get all of your books for your next class.

    - Plan ahead. If you know you have math right after science, maybe grab both books during your passing period or lunch break that way you don't have to sprint down the halls to retrieve them and possibly get a lunch/after-school detention.

    - Be yourself. It may seem cheesy and Hallmark-y but it can be your best weapon. Try not to fall into peer pressure and don't hold back. Go out and meet new people, try out for sports, and join clubs. Make sure that it balances with your classes but being involved with your school can give you a better experience.

    Most of all: Have fun! Be serious about schooling but don't be closed in and solitary.

  2. Ah I was a freshman a couple weeks ago, when I go back to fall I will be a sophomore. So I'll hope my advice will be helpful to you.

    The first thing I can say, and yes I know it sounds so cliche and cheesy, but this is really true, be yourself. Don't try to act fake and phony. People, don't like that. I'm annoyed by that. It doesn't make you look cool or cute.

    As for what to wear, I tell everybody this wear something that's comfortable for YOU and something you can see yourself wearing. I can't tell you how many times I've seen girls wear little mini skirts, tight tops, spiked heels, and caked on makeup in my school and they look so uncomfortable, and self conscious. I wear a nice fashion - y top, jeans, and four - five inch heels because for ME that's what I like to wear, that's what I feel comfortable in.

    Here's a little tip, if you have to keep tugging at your jeans or readjust your shirt because you think it looks weird. Or cringe every second because shoes are killing your feet. Chances are you are not comfortable in what you are wearing.

    Also if you're looking to make friends and meet new people. One word for you : extra curriculars. These are your friends. Not only do they look excellent for college, you can make nice friends who probably have the same interests as you.

    I lucked out, I'm in band (flute, piccolo, fife) and the band is pretty big I suppose (around 200 maybe) and I think we're just a big huge family with our band directors as the parents. I've met some of the nicest, friendliest, craziest, most dedicated people there. From freshman I never knew - to even a couple seniors (who I'm sad I won't see anymore!). We've spent so much time from hanging out during band camp, marching around the field during marching season, to having sweaty foreheads because of the auditorium lights beating down on us during concert season.

    You don't have to join band to make friends but the point I'm saying is extra curriculars are really helpful.

    Now I know you're going to dislike me saying this, but while having fun during the high school years is important. Your school work is much more important. Unlike middle school you will have more homework, even on the weekends, (I got some during winter and spring break), you will have projects to do, you will have to study a lot for tests. And if you have any honors classes like I did (I had all but one) you'll have to work extra hard.

    The thing that always bugged me or scared me personally was people saying how hard high school is. And that it's so difficult to pass. Well it can't be that difficult if people are graduating. If you do your classwork and participate in class. Ask questions from teachers. Go home and do your homework and study for tests (not the night before!). You'll be alright. But if you slack off and don't do anything. You'll struggle. Trust me.

    Just sit down at home for an hour and spend that on homework and studying (you might find yourself extending it to an hour or two hours).

    Also remember that balance is key. When there's a time to work there's a time to play. While it's very important to do your school work and keep up with your studies. It's not good to do it to the point you're past your limit of stress.

    Well there are my tips, I know not all of them might be the best. But I hope you find some of them helpful.

    1 month ago

  3. wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and express your style. keep a planner and dont procrastinate. just act cool and calm, people can tell when your nervous.

  4. i am also entering high school.

    i have many friends in all other grades.

    wear something comfortable, don't show a lot or you will be known as a w***e or s**t.

    You don't want to be to covered up or you will be known as a goody good which no one likes.

    personally, its all about how you feelin your clothes.

    if you don't feel comfortable then you probably shouldn't wear it.

    Its all about you in high school, not what people think.

    dont be nevrous, make the right friends and you will do fine.

    good luck!

  5. this is just some random stuff i figured out when i was a freshmen.

    - wear comfortable shoes. some girls wear heels, but when you are running around the entire school, you'll end up tripping or hurting your feet if you don't wear the right shoes. i like converse.

    -you might want a bag,  maybe a book bag, but something less bulky would be better, to carry your books in.

    -don't be afraid to just do something. i didn't know anyone, and i just had to suck it up and talk to people.  

  6. Wear comfortable clothes.

    Yeah, dressing up is fun, but don't get too dolled up, because those kitten heels that looked so cute at seven this morning will be the bane of your existence by your seventh period Biology class.

    You can't go wrong with jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, camis, tennis shoes, stuff like that.

    Buy a planner. This will be the best five dollars you will ever spend. You don't want to be the girl who forgets about that fifty slide PowerPoint presentation until the night before it's due. This is high school. Your teachers have no interest in hounding you to do projects. They'll give you the due date and the rubric, and then it's up you to get it done.

    Write your locker combo down on something you always carry with you. You don't want to forget it when you're running late for math, and one tardy short of a nice long detention with Mr. Shapiro, the portly, bald administrator who always smells like an odd mixture of cat food and garlic bread.

    Always, always do your homework. One or two zeros can tank your average.

    The most important thing to remember- have fun. It goes by faster than you can think.

  7. you don't have to dress to impress in high school... just dress like you!  

  8. Ha ha, you're lucky. I have to wear a uniform. Then again you aren't lucky at the same time. I've been going to schools where I have to wear uniforms my entire life. So, I cannot help you in that area.

    About the organization thing, do whatever seems to work for you; but don't just toss things anywhere and everywhere. I did it and I constantly lost things. What I do now is I have one HUGE binder where everything is always where it is suppose to be.

    Paying attention in class is a MUST.  Most high school teachers lecture and then hand out homework. They won't always explain every single little thing, but they will answer questions if you ask them. NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS! I use to be quiet because I didn't want to be the center of attention, but that was a mistake. I would get confused and end up failing a quiz or a test.

    BE YOURSELF! If you go into school pretending to be someone you're not then when you do make friends you'll have to continue acting the way you did when you first met them and it's exhausting. Another thing, the upper class men will probably act tough and scary. Ignore them! Only listen to nice ones(like me)!

    Studying and doing all homework are also HUGE.

    I'm a junior this year and honestly freshman year was the most fun for me. Don't stress everything. Do what your teachers tell you and you'll be fine.


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