
I need tips on flying alone on a airplane!!?

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So, this summer Im going to British Columbia, from Manitoba Canada. So its not that far. est.3 hours. But it will be my first time alone. i need tips on how to not get shy and how to like stay confident.

and to not get lost :(




  1. juss b confident...u wont get lost cuz theres signs all over the airport nd juss talk to ppl dont b shy...

  2. this past february i flew from maine to visit my aunt and uncle in phoenix arizona. this was my 1st time flying alone and 2nd time flying period. i am a very shy person. i'm 18 senior in high school btw. i read the gates to loo kfor where i needed to be. on your ticket/artinuary it will say what gate you need to be at and what time your plane leaves at. the gates are labeled by ABC etc... with numbers. all the A gates are in the same area and so forth. so look for the area with all the gates with your letter. from there look for the gate with your letter and number. the numbers are in order. sometimes the plane wil ldrop you off in the area you need to be in to get to your next gat/flight so not much worries there. I was so confused and nervous my first time flying about the same things as you. You don't need to talk to people if you do what I said by reading your artinuary and all that stuff I said earlier. If you do get lost or need any help just ask the airport workers they are there to help you. I didn't need help so I didn't talk to them cause I'm shy and don't like talking to people I don't know.

  3. As for not being shy, just talk to someone. Anyone. The man waiting by you in a line, the person by you on the plane, it doesn't matter who. To not get lost, watch signs, and listen. Know what section your flight is leaving from, and follow signs about you to get there. If you do get lost, just ask. Anyone that works there will be happy to help you out, or anyone that just happens to be passing by, and heading in your direction. That'd also be a good time to talk to someone, if they are going in your direction, and you are lost, as them. You could head to your section together, and talk while waiting on the plane. Who knows, you may even have seats near each other lol.

  4. Most airports have great directional signs and monitors to help you find your gate. When you get to the airport and get through security, check one of these monitors (usually a flat screen or a regular ol' tube TV) for your flight number. It will tell you the gate that your flight will be leaving out of. Go to that gate immediately - if there are any changes or cancellations with your flight, they'll announce it there. If you need help with finding something or get confused, ask an airport employee - that's why they're there.

    Once you land in British Colombia, look for signs that will tell you where baggage claim is. Ask whoever is meeting you at the airport to wait for you there. If no one is meeting you, I'd suggest calling a taxi once you get your luggage (make sure you'll have enough money to do this). Also, be sure to know the address of the place you're staying at in either case, because if your luggage is delayed and comes in on a later flight, they'll need to know where to deliver it to. :)

    Just stay calm at all times - being on your own in an airport is a little intimidating at times, but don't panic. You'll be fine. Bring a good book and/or an MP3 player to help pass the time. And to not be shy, just talk to people - ask where they're from, or comment on the weather (it's very cliche but it does help start a conversation).

    Oh, and don't forget the chewing gum!

    Enjoy your trip.

  5. I travel alone all the time. For me on flights and everything to start a good conversaions with some I ask where thire from. I the airport if you get lost or anything most people are good to help out. Most people I run into are very nice.

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