
I need to be able to run a mile in less than 7:20.....?

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I'm around the 9-10 min mile right now and I have to run a mile in less than 7:20 to make a sports team...I'll probably be running that like August 14th or so....Can I do it?? HOW!? I know I have to run a lot but does any one have a suggested schedule?




  1. have 30 min runs 5 times a week at any pace you want. That should do the trick.

  2. You can do it only if you believe you can. When I was 11, I ran a mile and a half in 9 minutes and 30 seconds. If you run a mile and a half in 9-10 minutes, you're probably good, but I would run faster and longer every day. Start by jogging 20 minutes, and slowly work your way up to running 40 minutes. Then time yourself when you run a mile, and breathe in your nose for three steps, then out your mouth for three steps. Good luck, hope I helped.

  3. good luck- no advice or anything, but good luck!

  4. start with 2 miles from monday to friday, 3 miles on saturday, and take sunday off

    do this for 2 weeks and add a mile (for each day) and do that for another 2 weeks

    very important though: make sure you are running even all the way throughout the jog

  5. You can do interval training.

    Start by running the pace you want for a quarter mile and walk for an eighth of a mile. Do this 4-6 times and then run at the desired pace for an eighth of a mile and walk for a tenth of a mile 4-6 times. This will do things. It will help increase your speed and your endurance.

    Good Luck

  6. run at least a mile a day, cutting time off each day

  7. If you have access to a tread mill, and a running track then you can use the following schedule (you can substitute a friend with a stop watch for the tread mill but the treadmill is preferred)

    Week 1:

    Monday: Tread Mill - Set your speed to 8.4 MPH.  This is the pace you need to run to get under a 7:20.  Hold that pace for as long as you can, then drop down to 6.0 MPH.  Once you start to get your wind or the calves start to relax, bump it back up to 8.4 MPH.  Hold it and then drop to 6.0MPH.  Repeat this for 30 minutes.

    Tuesday - Take a hike, do some cycling or anything but running.

    Wednesday - Track - Remembering your 8.4MPH pace on the tread mill.  Run 1/4 mile at your 8.4MPH pace.  Keep a stop watch to record your laps.  You will alternate

    fast - slow - fast - walk - fast - slow - fast - walk.

    The fast laps should be done in under 1 minute and 47 seconds.  The slow laps should be done in 2 minutes and 50 seconds.  The walking laps should be done in 3 minutes 30 seconds.

    You will do a series of fast - slow - fast -walk laps, until you have done 3 fast laps, you could go for 4 if you like but you should do at least 3 fast laps.

    Wednesday - Rest day, light activity, anything but running

    Thursday - Same as Monday

    Friday - same as Tuesday

    Saturday/Sunday same as Wednesday

    Week two:

    The only difference between this week and the previous is the following:

    Your track days will consist of the following sets:

    Fast - Slow - Fast - Walk - Fast - Slow - Fast - Slow

    Week 3:

    Fast - Fast - Slow - Fast - Walk - Fast - Walk

    Week 4

    Fast - Fast - Slow - Fast - Fast - Slow - Walk

    Week 5:

    Fast - Fast - Fast - Slow - Slow - Fast - Walk

    Week 6:

    Fast - Fast - Fast - Fast - Slow - Walk - Slow - Slow

    At this point you can shift to a maintenance training program of 3 times a week:

    Walk - Slow - Fast - Fast - Fast - Fast - Slow - Slow - Walk

    If you maintain that program, you will have no problem making your 7:20 Mile.  It will be routine for you.

  8. You will need these

    1. Determination is the most important thing if you want to be a good runner

    2. Eat healthy meals

    3 Exercise every day Example: Run around the block a few times

    With these you can accomplish your goal

  9. drink some Omitro Fuel it's the best sports drink alive..just look it up on google and it will help a lot

  10. When I started running, I built my way up slowly, starting at about the same mile you had. But the key to my success was probably doing it on the treadmill. That way you can monitor your progress and set goals a lot faster, and you also have no choice but to keep up with the speed you set (Around 8.2mph). From personal experience, I worked my way up to 2 miles in 15:30, and then with the addition of more practice and a BIG one for me: Music, I now run 3 miles at a steady 8mph, which ends up being 22:30. Good luck and if you focus, use a treadmill, and if it helps, music, it won't take long. Drink a lot too.

  11. Run the distance you can within your time spec do this in multiples until your body gets used to the speed then gradually increase the distance until you are completing your mile never try to complete the distance slowly your body will just adjust itself to distance rather than speed

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