
I need to be discovered! 10 Points!?

by  |  earlier

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I am almost 15. I sing, and act, and I am trying to improve my dancing. I am ultimately interested in working in musical theater. But for right now, I will take anything I can get. A little while ago, I went to Denver to audition to get into a performing school but I just went to try to get noticed by the big shot agent that was there. He didn't call me but I got into the school, I didn't accept because it was a lot of money, but I am good enough to get into a prestigious school against about 300,000 other kids. I live in Colorado. People have told me I should be a model. Does anyone know of any auditions coming up in Colorado for performing? Any disney channel auditions? I am serious about my career and will do anything it takes. Any sites or agencies or anything would help. Thank you so much!




  1. this site should be able t help you land roles: hollywood-opportunities(dotcom)

  2. be patient and stay in real school. Be a kid and do child like things. You are only a kid once

  3. i was in ur same position last year i actually modeled for a year! but if u want to get discovered patience is a really big thing hollywood is so busy and no offence but i dont think agencies are going to waste there time on a ho hum so make an impression do something little thats huge if u know what i mean make them want you... hollywood is like that cute boy.... u want him to ask u out so get his eye lol do u kno were im going.... start off small and work ur way up any chance u get to make an impression on somebody big take it but watch out for scams have ur parents invest in it more after u discover about it. type out a resume here are some resume tips:

    have a head shot (facial picture)

    prepare two contrasting momologues for a personal interview

    have ur contact info (phone number 2 r suggested, email, mailing address)

    your height, weight, eye color

    ALL of ur experience  (most recent - very first)(productio, place, director, producer)

    all of ur skills even if u can ride a unicycle or solve a rubiks cube

    your training

    performance work

    let me kno if i helped any =]

  4. are you a comedian too ? you're funny.

  5. No real offense meant, but my first suggestion might be "Tone down that ego." Obviously you won't do "ANYTHING" it takes, or you would have taken the schools invitation.

       So much of what you assume, and apparently EXPECT, often takes years, and Effort. Take anything you can get is hardly BEING DISCOVERED, but that is where you might resign yourself to start,,,ANYTHING.

       I think I'm confused about your passions, whether or not they are in Theater, or in some headlines or bank account?

       I truly don't mean to sound harsh, but what you want takes work. Last time I checked, the "Miracle" of an image of the Virgin Mary, on a piece of toast, was bogus.

    my 2 "scents"

  6. These types of  careers are hard to get and fleeting. You shouldn't be so dead set about it.

  7. ahahahahahhahahhahahaha!!!

  8. Do what all the stars did to become famous....go on you-tube and post a video of you.... then add that to your bebo or my-space page and ask all your friends to add it to and hope an agent finds you... but also you can not only post it but also find an agent and beg them to give you a try.                                                      Hope it helps!

  9. for al the info u need to know go to and

    and search the whole site for everythig it wont pup up infront of u

    but you need to participate in plays and in chorus

    and take drama classes and join the drama club

    and get an agent

  10. funny how these "actresses" always bring up Disney channel.

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