
I need to build a good pair of volleyball post that can be portable?

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I need to build a good pair of volleyball post that can be portable?




  1. Do you have a net? If you don't you can't make one. I would just suggest buying a cheap volleyball set from walmart. You can get a volleyball, pump, net, and poles for $20. The post is staked into the ground, if you already have the net and stuff, I would make a post out of pvc pipes, and stake them down, or if you do not want to use stakes, do what someone else said and cement the in to buckets. It would be kind of hard to move and store the buckets, but whatever.

    Hope this helps! =D

  2. you get 5 gal. buckets 2 fill it up with cement, put long pole in the middle of it and let it dry. the poles can be in 2 seperate poles,be able to carry better.

  3. Mikasa makes great volleyball nets/Posts. I assume you are talking about outdoor, either grass or sand nets. I've used one kind that were incredible the competition. They were sick. I played sand all summer with it. Awesome for competative play

  4. hmmm i would just buy one that you  can put in the ground....

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