
I need to build muscle, i play hockey and baseball and i need to get stronger can anyone help??

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any one know a way i can get stronger with out kryotien or protien cuz i can not afford it im 15 with no job

i need a quick work out rutine that will have good reults or maybe some things i can to do improve my stregnth overall i dont do much in my workout just bench 70 lbs 10 times 3 sets and curl 15 (im getting 20 lbs dumbells soon) 10 times 3 set what else can i do?




  1. Heavy weight, low reps  

  2. lift weights

  3. read "Complete conditioning for hockey by peter twist" (or just the strength part if you prefer) it has great tips and exercises, I use it for my hockey training :)

  4. I know a few nhl players and everyone of them said a boxing work out is the best there is.

  5. Push ups are the best things to build up arm strength. A good way to make sure you're doing a lot is to do them when commercials are on while you are watching TV. It makes it easy to do a lot, but doesn't get boring.

  6. repeat after me, LESS WEIGHT, MORE REPS. Decrease how much weight your using on the bar and increase your number of reps per work out. That is how you build muscle.

  7. Here is a good guideline to gain some serious muscle mass:

    Body Builders lift the heavist weights they can manage while doing 8-12 reps. I would recommend 3 sets for every muscle group (I usually hit my back, chest, abs, shoulders, neck, biceps, triceps, calf, forearms, hamstrings and quads).

    Every day eat 1-2 g of protein for every pound that you weigh. Make sure you count the grams of protein as you go.

    Do not lift weights every day. This is a mistake many people make. Your muscles need a rest to heal and build themselves up. Try to workout 3 times a week. (Maybe Mon Wed Fri)

    Get at LEAST 8 hours of sleep a night to heal those muscles.

    If your muscles are sore, do NOT workout. They are still healing.

    After every two months of working out, take a one week break of complete relaxation. Following this break, change up all of your exercises so that your muscles will not even recognize the new ones. They will be shocked into growth.

    Make sure you eat healthy; you need other vitamins as well. If you only eat high protein foods the protein will not go to your muscles; in order for your body to function properly, you meast healthy in all areas.

    Before you workout, warm up. Jog for about 10 minutes and then stretch (dynamic stretches). Be INTENSE during your workout; motivate yourself. After your workout you should stretch (static stretches) and cool down (walk).

    I hoped I have helped.

  8. Recommend getting into  Russian circuit training, will help with everything, alot of the drills can be done in your bedroom.  Check it out online!!!

  9. thats like my brother.

    he is 17.

    weights 150.

    hes worked out everyday for 2 years,

    it takes time to build muscle

    for certain people.

    just be patent and keep working.

  10. do you have a bench? change the levels on it so you can do incline bench. look online for different work outs for dumbells..(there a lot)

    also drink lots of milk after a work out. the more protine after your workout the more stronger your muscles become

  11. Weight doesn't nessecarily build your strength (though you need a good amount), repititions do.  If you can barely lift 70 lbs. 10 times, I don't recommend that you do it.  Instead, try something comfortable that you can lift over and over SLOWLY for about 5-10 min or for 50-100 reps.  Heres the scientific explanation behinde "working out".

    When you work out, it rips your muscles apart.  The gap left is filled acid, causing muscle fatigue.  After the acid drains out, your muscles rebuild, but larger.

    So the point is, to rip your muscles apart as much as possible, which you will only acieve with more reps, not more weight.  If you follow this, you should have better results.  Hope this helps!

    BTW I'm 13 and you really need to work on your punctuation, grammer and spelling lol.  

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