
I need to buy a present for a nine year old boy, in england.

by Guest62374  |  earlier

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i have no trouble shopping for girls but i am pretty clueless when it comes to what boys, of such an age, might be interested in. i have a little boy but he's only 2 and a half :) any suggestions from parents in the know much appreciated, thanks.




  1. a watch, necklace with something he likes as the charm? some money will always work  :)

  2. i know its not real healthy but check if he has a games console like an x box or wii and by him a game or accesory for it . u can get them preowned in great condition from most video shops and they are much cheaper.

    if not try maybe a nice pair of trainers or a rremote control car i still ove those now  

  3. a foot ball or basket ball

    p.s. i like your avatar

  4. walkie talkies, water gun, silly string-very messy though best outdoors, DVDs of movies he likes (do you have those in England), action figures, sports stuff, remote control cars, board game, video games,  plastic soldiers, sorry for being so general I'm from the U.S.

  5. a camera =)

  6. Ooh! Send him a stomp rocket.  They are super cool and everyone on the block loves the one my daughter's aunt gave hers.  (adults and kids alike want a turn.) The junior version is safe for indoors but I sent the older verson to an 8yo recently.  The rocket is 15 not including shipping but there are 3-4 rockets included.

    I found it by searching stomp rocket on line

  7. lego Star Wars, bionicles and techinics.

    Edit: if your also stumped on where, try Argos.

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