
I need to buy pepper spray or a taser before tomorrow I live in Cherry Hill. NJ...anyone know where I can go?

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I need to buy pepper spray or a taser before tomorrow I live in Cherry Hill. NJ...anyone know where I can go?




  1. Taser, I've only seen available online..

    Pepper Spray can be found at K-Mart (that's where I got mine).  They might also have them at like a Target or Walmart, but I don't know for sure.  

    But definitely, I live not too far, and I got mine at KMart.

  2. I'm really not sure where to get either of those but what I do know is that you need a license to use both.  

  3. Pepper Spray you can find at most local hardware stores ( such as Ace and Dollar General ) or K-mart or Wal-mart.

    Tasers you can most likely find at a local gun shop or Police Supply shop.  You do not need a license to buy either in NJ, however I'm not sure about to carry them on your person.

  4. it is HARD to get a taser and the cost alot.  i know Harbor Freight has peper spray.may be walmat, or a sporting goods store has one.

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