
I need to choose a theme for my, I need ideas?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I have to do a story for college..I'm usually bottom of the class which is killing my Im taking this opportunity to prove that I can do better..

I have 2 weeks to hand in a fictional story, and the focus is on theme..

I was going to choose that a theme? About people just trying to survive in their own worlds in their own way..

Any ideas would be so welcome..I just need a push.

Thank you




  1. for me, good thematic stories do not blatantly express their themes--it is woven beautifully into the story. the character of the characters would have to be painted in such a way that they would unravel the theme of the story.

    existence is good but rather heavy.

    sexuality would be good too--and a little bit easier to do.

    i've been working on this story about a guy who is trying to deny his love for a guy by dating and dating girls. maybe you could come up with one too.

    i wish you luck! may the fates smile on you.

  2. Hi...first of all, i like to said that you chooce an excelent theme, if you put effort and imagination your work would be can related your work to filosophy, search information about it...sow good luck...

  3. I think you should go with what your gut says. or  even try going with somwthing you find interresting and would enjoy talking about. Just add in a few characters, make some up or borrow sosme from another movie. Bring lots of Detail and description and show and tell. Make the reader feel they are there. Youll be fine

  4. theme :love and betrayal....

    create a story which involves a very dangerous plot....rope in a lot of characters....let each character connect with each other....give in a very scary ending....bring in a lot of twists and turns that can keeep the story in a very fast pace....

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