
I need to come up with $1,000 to prevent losing everything.?

by Guest60100  |  earlier

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I'm trying to find a way to come up with $1,000 or I'll loose my car, and go to court for debts. I'm a single mom and my bills are just catching up with me. If her father would pay child support when he's supposed to, I wouldn't have this problem. But now what do I do?




  1. You could

    a) sue him

    b) sell stuff on eBay

    c) beg for money

    d) ask for money from the family. say you'll pay 'em back later when you have the cash.

    e) file bankruptcy

    I feel really sorry for you and if I had a thousand dollars in hand I would give it to you. :-(

  2. You can ask a friend or relative for a loan, pawn your good jewelry or sell your gold or silver jewelry to a reputable jeweler.  Gold's going at a great rate.  Good Luck!

  3. Start with some positive thinking. Now set some short-term goals. How long do you have to come up with this money? Do you have any expenses you can trim up (reduce or eliminate luxuries such as satellite, phone services, gym memberships, etc.) Do you owe too much money on your car? Could you sell it and buy a more inexpensive one (bonus with a cheaper car: insurance rates are usually lower too.) Do you have anything of value you can sell, or maybe enough stuff to throw together a garage sale? After reviewing all this, cutting back the excess, and selling the clutter, figure out how much more you need to raise and how long you have. Now divide that to find how much you need per day 1,000/30 days means you would need to earn about $33 per day. To earn this you can mow yards, rake, clean windows, clean houses, babysit, walk dogs, and any number of other odd jobs. I clean a showroom once a week for $100 and get to take my kids with me. If she is old enough she might even be able to help you. Good luck, I know how hard it is dealing with a deadbeat dad. Perhaps you should stop counting on his support and just count it as a bonus if and when he pays up.


    kudos to the poster above me. My husband scraps metal and earns around $500 extra per month. My 13-yr-old daughter saves cans and gets $5-15 extra per month. If you see someone with metal junk (especially copper wire or A/C units that you are able to manage) ask if they want it hauled off then scrap it. It can add up quickly.

  4. Pray.

    I'm really serious about this one.


  5. Right now due to the economy the metal recycling business is going thru the roof. Trade in all the metal you can find.

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