
I need to contact prof. charles soludo of central bank of nigeria, he needs to call me, he has my #?

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looking for prof charles soludo of central bank of nigeria, i need his office # to contact him




  1. I think you should go over to Nigeria with all your money and ask the first person you see if they know what you should do with it, I'm sure they'll have some great ideas for you.  (Make a will before you go).

  2. The website for the Central Bank of Nigeria is Here is a general enquiries email address: - I suggest you email them and ask for your email to be forwarded to this Soludo character?

  3. I would follow SLF's advice, if you are serious about wanting to contact Soludo.

    He is Governor of the CBN [Central Bank of Nigeria]; but I suggest you be very careful; i have had as many as perhaps, 10 different people emailing me over the past 2.5 years - all claiming to be the real "Soludo"!!

    If the current guy emailing me is the correct one, i suggest you leave him alone for at least a month now, as he has just told me that His wife has been rushed to the hospital there.

    She is awaiting a donor heart, in preparation for a life-saving operation.

    He says he has been quite constantly at her hospital bedside this past week.

    So, they are not even 'out of the woods' yet!

    Give it all another month to settle down and sort itself out; then you might get his undivided attention!

    As I say though, I do not even know if this one is the real Soludo.

    It could be that none of them have been!

  4. Dont it is spam  or if you want to be taken for a ride go right ahead and enjoy!

  5. I have received the same email. Let me guess. Someone died and left £40 million in their bank account and this Soludo guy wants your bank details because he has researched you, and wants to give you the money.

    Details might be different, but the story's always the same. Hopefully you get it by now, that this guy's is actually a clever little git from a Zambian internet cafe, who wants to clean you out. Not only did I clock it, but I also saw a programme (might have been Panorama) on it a week later.

  6. i guess you have spammed this by now?????

    welcome to answers!

  7. If you're referring to the Prof. in the terms that you are, I would imagine that you've either been scammed or you're about to be scanned.

    Prof. Charles Soludo is an internationally recognized economist and Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. I think he's held that post for circa 5/6yrs.

    I'm positive HE doesn't have your number and doesn't want to call you either... unless you want to speak about increasing FDI in Nigeria or you're interested in buying a significant stake in one of the banks that have just gone through the consolidation exercise.

    Google/Yahoo Search his name and find out what you've just walked into.

  8. sounds like a scammer

  9. well if its legit ....just get in contact with them......sounds like someone is after your money..IE a scam...

  10. Keep's your money they are after.Have nothing,I mean nothing,to do with this "bank"

  11. My guess you have been in contact with the famous Nigerian Bank scam.

  12. you aint the only one how do they get through

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