
I need to crack my knee?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not sure if this will make sense, but my knee has been throbbing for about an hour and I feel like I need to crack it. I've tried elevating it, kicking my leg out (which probably wasn't smart), and twisting it (which probably wasn't smart either haha). Can anyone tell anyway to relieve my knee or crack it?

Oh, and I was working out if you wanted to know.

Please and thank you :)




  1. Try this With your knee extended and muscles relaxed poke around your knee cap for a tender spot. Find the worse spot gently slide your knee cap in the direction of the tender point until the pain goes away. Gently hold it in that position for about 5 min. Slowly release the Knee. The pain should be gone.

    Remember to keep you leg relaxed and the knee extended during the whole time.  

  2. throw a rock on it

    thats sure gonna crack it ;)

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