
I need to create my own blog

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I really look forward to working on my blog as I like being creative. However I do not have any particular interest/hobby/knowledge (apart from SOME interest in hindi movies & meditation). Am confused and I wonder if I can really create my blog. Please let me know if any suggestions.

Also whether people would come to my blog and why.

I also need to know how much can one earn by blogging like how much amount per person to my blog etc.




  1. Only 2 out of every 10,000 bloggers make any money.  They do because they have a "passion" in life and they are attracting like-minded people who feel that they have no other voice in society.  You will have to find your niche.  Otherwise, just blog and have fun. /

  2. 2 out of 10,000 is very wrong.  It is more like 2 out 10 or even less

  3. If you are really interested in creating a Blog you need to follow these steps:

    1) you need to sign up in or

    2)create a very good content on the topic you are interested

    3) you need to do promotion for you Blog so that u can get visitors for your Blog.

    4) for income purpose through Blog you need to sign up in Google Adsense  

    5)you get options in Google Adsense like to get more income you need to have referral ads.

    To known more u can refer our site.

  4. hi sharad , i wouls suggest you to first start a/c in some social networking site . As  you are confused in chosing topic , you create a/c in , it is going to give a facility of creating blog , write sometiong about you , and ur network connection will sure visit you . once ur network connection is done , then you create another blog using blogspot and invite ur network to that blog .

  5. Actually about 2 out of 10,000 is about right, maybe even generous. Just blog what you want. Create and they will come if it is something that interests people. Why not just blog to have your own web presence? Too many people think everyone is getting rich off ads.

    I only made a little over 67K last year off ads. So focus on fun not frustrate over profit. It will be more enjoyable in the end.


    By The Way 67k was a joke more like $67

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