
I need to delete a popup that comes up from a work computer HELP!!!!?

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My daughter just called me and she was at work. They evidently run XP Professional at the hospital where she works. She was showing off her stupid MySpace page to her co-workers and now a thing comes up that says "windows has detected Vista Anti-virus..." and she can't get rid of it. It's 2 a.m. here right now and she woke me up all in a panic. I don't think there is anything SHE can do. Sounds like an IT issue in my opinion but I thought I would through the question out there for all you smart computer people out there. The anti-virus that is on and supposed to be running is Symantec and she has run that.

If you can help I would appreciate it and if you can't then she is deep poo at work.

She will never listen to me when I tell her to absolutely NOT get on a work computer and do c**p like this. Now of course she is afraid of losing her job. She is gonna be my death!!!!






  1. describes how to remove that particular bit of malware (and jibbarjabar, read things more carefully, I didn't suggest a program, the page I linked to just tells you which files to delete!) ...

    ... but the machine has been compromised so it really should be thoroughly checked out for other malware infections.

  2. Do NOT use the solution that David D above has suggested...that program is malware itself.


    That work computer likely has a Smitfraud infection. Removal procedure:

    Alternate removal tools:



  3. Go to

    I use that program.It works very well.

    Block pop-up ads and remove spyware .

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