
I need to determine paternity. I had s*x with 2 different men one week apart?

by  |  earlier

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My last period was June 30th and my due date is April 7th




  1. If you going to be having s*x with multiple partners you DEFINITELY should be using protection. I think your doctor can take a paternity test before the baby is born just call and make an appt.  

  2. So your period began on June 30?

    Which means you conceived around 2 weeks later... making it the 14th of July.

    Which means your due date is actually around the 20th of April.

    Either way... due date is not important at this time... the fact is you are pregnant and need to know who the father is.

    Do you remember what dates you slept with these men?

    Sperm can live for upto 5 days once it has been ejaculated into the v****a. No real way of determining who is the father... except for to have an actualy paternity test once the child is born.

    Good luck and congrats!   and please in future... USE PROTECTION for christ sake!

  3. You really should have used protection.

  4. paternity tests can be done before but they are dangerous because they have to stick a needle in your stomach to take blood from the baby it's best just to wait until the baby is born and do a dna test then  

  5. Call Maury

  6. The best way is going to be wait until the baby is born and then have a paternity test.  

  7. u need 2 wait till the baby is born probably to get a dna test. ask ur doctor about that to see if there is a  way u can figure out whichis the father before the baby is born.

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