
I need to draw a diagram ti explain how a spacecraft sends sound to earth!!!?

by  |  earlier

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but im not to sure how to draw it???




  1. Sound?  Through the vacuum of space?  It won't happen.  How about radio waves?  Represent them with little lightning bolts.

  2. draw as space ship flying over the earth, sending "invisible" radio waves, which are low frequency forms of radiation that can travel through a vacuum.

  3. When an astronaut speaks, his voice is picked up by a microphone which transmits the signal to a high gain antenna outside the spacecraft, which transmits the signal back to earth where it's picked up at one of the antenna dishes around the earth. They shoot it back to a satellite which sends the signal to one of the satellite dishes at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas where it's transmitted to the capsule communicator who uses the reverse process to send his voice back to the spacecraft.

  4. Spacecraft sending sound to earth?

    Well there is no sound in space (vacuum).

    If you mean how do astronauts talk to the earth then the answer is they use a radio which functions like any radio anywhere.

  5. The astronaut speaks into a microphone that changes sound into electricity. The microphone is attached to a radio that changes the electricity into radio waves that are emitted from a radio antenna on the space craft. Some of those radio waves hit an antenna on Earth and are changed back into electricity by the radio attached to that antenna. Then that electricity goes to a speaker that changes it back into sound.

  6. use crayons and construction paper. you can glue macaroni to it too, to show the wire between Earth and the spaceship. remember to use Elmer's glue, as it works well and is non-toxic.

    If there is sound being sent in the diagram, use lots of glitter.

  7. sdssssss

  8. sure

  9. u can find it on the web.. i..don't exactly remember the sites name, but try searching on yahoo or google

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