
I need to drop 3 pounds for a football weigh in on

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im 13 and my school does weigh ins for our team. i 'm 103 and the cutoff is 101.9 any work out ideas that you have in mind that could work or diet?




  1. if they do them regularly become a vegetarian, no joke i lost lots of weight (and am still healthy), or if it is just once still eat healthy, but dont drink or eat anything the day of.  Also sweating it off can work too, pretty much just ask a wrestler how to lose weight

  2. i know what a friend did about this once. sit in the car with the heat on its highest setting and maybe even a sweatshirt... careful though dont get too overheated and be really careful with yourself... then get out and run around for a minute. the friend that did this lost one pound lol. you might be able to find a better way. i would personally never try

  3. Don't eat heavy, just enough to live. Drink water, but go to the bathroom right before. and wear the lightest clothes you can find.  

  4. Flood yourself with water from now til tommorow afternoon. Eat as little salt as possible. Eat your last meal at around 6 pm Sunday night. Wake up early on Monday and drink one 8 oz glass of water. Do a good workout (run steps or whatever you have access to) performing hard enough that you sweat profusely for about an hour. When you are done, drink another 4 oz glass of water. Don't eat anything until your weigh in. You should come in about 100 lbs. As soon as you are done weighing in be sure to drink a ton of water to replenish yourself.

    This is not a real safe way to make weight but I do understand as I train youth athletes. In the future, check your weight 7 days out to be sure you are on track.

  5. You just need to be 3 lbs less when they weigh you, right?

    Lose some water weight, so probably sweat more or something...

  6. I would never reccomend this unless its an emeergency like yours! But try & starve yourself, just eat tiny bits of food every 3hrs & drink lots of water. Walk lots to burn calories & fat. & yer have some laxatives if you can to empty out your system, this will make you much lighter

  7. The only way you will lose 3 pounds by monday is by shedding water weight. Three suggestions.

    1) Drink LOTS of water, I'm talking 2 gallons a day! Fluids push Fluids so drink up.

    2) Take advantage of natural diuretics, SHORT TERM though! Think something along the lines of caffeine.

    3) Get out and sweat, then do it again! Sweat some more! Watch what you eat too! Don't hinder your cause.

    You won't lose 3lbs in the long run, but just for a weigh in this may work. Good luck!

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