
I need to drop from a 41.31 to a 35.99 in 50 breast stroke by next summer and i need as much help as possible.

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-This is summer swim

-If anyone knows a weight lifting routine for good swimming

-Thanks and just write what you know




  1. well that's a really big goal... my personal 50 breast time is 37 but im still working on it. i dont know any weight lifting routines but what has really helped me is stretching out my arms as far as possible and keeping my head tucked in when i come up for air. good luck!

  2. To reduce 5secs shouldnt be a problem, if you focus on some weights in the gym(rowing station) or using elastic bands. Your programme could be 3 days swimming and 3 days land exercises. Ensure you keep to a healthy diet and adequate sleep.

    Depending on your discipline, you could very well achieve your goal within 9mths. Best of luck to you!  :-))

  3. Haha. Good luck. I find that most people's kicks are really weak. As a breastroker, you need to have a really strong kick (which most people lack).

    Check out this thread

    lots of info on working out with breaststroke in mind.

  4. It sounds impossible, but it is. I've dropped significant time on my 50 free when I had thought I reached my peak.

    It's really simplistic and you'll think I'm not taking you seriously, but the only way to do this is to train hard. Keep swimming--don't take short course off. Go to as many practices as you can on your club team (I'm assuming you're on one; if not, join one). Push your limits. Even put in extra hours outside of swim practice to work on your technique and kick.

    My team had drylands specific for breaststrokers while everyone else did regular drylands. Their dryland consisted of standing with a stepbench between your legs on the floor and jumping up with two feet and back down for a certain amount of time (I'd say like 1-3 minutes). They also used medicine balls: they'd squat with the ball in two hands and push it up against the wall, catch it, and repeat (make sure it's a light medicine ball though) for a minute or so.

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