
I need to email a group of 130 people weekly. How's the best way to set this up and manage in Yahoo or other?

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I need to email a group of 130 people weekly. How's the best way to set this up and manage in Yahoo or other?




  1. You could start a Yahoo group and, with their permission, ADD those 130 people to that group.  Then you would post one message weekly directly to the group itself.  Copies of the messages would automatically be sent via email to all 130 people.  

    Here is the link to how to start a Yahoo group:

    Here is the link of how to ADD members to a Yahoo group:

  2. with Yahoo you could use the BCC in the compose box however I don't know what the number  limit is  if any.  Possibly you would have to split it up

  3. most e-mail providers, web based or ISP wouldn't allow that many BCC or not. it'd be tagged as spam. some mail providers will outright shut you down if they detect more than the limit. your best bet is to shorten that 130 into thirds or fourths and then send it

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