
I need to escape a stressful patch, help would be appreciated :)?

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Im feeling terribly stressed and confused at the moment, im 20 and need to escape to soothe my mind and relax, where could i go that has beaches with clear water and is hot in the next coming months. i long to just be by myself enjoying life rather than working all the time and having to put up with idiots in my life.




  1. You definately need a tropical island - one that hasn't been wrecked by thousands of tourists, heaps of skyscrapers, freeways, traffic, fast food restaurents etc.etc.  Here's are few ideas - Fiji, Cook Islands, Thailand,  Northern Australia eg. Port Douglas or Broome, Malaysia or Vietnam (lots of beautiful, cheap beach resorts opening up).

  2. that Bahamas is a great choice, or you can always go to Miami.

  3. Unfortunately idiots are everywhere.

    Go somewhere they speak languages you understand so communication isn't an added stress.

    Thailand or India are cheap cheap cheap and there are areas that are desolate that you'd be left alone.  Avoid tourist traps, they are crawling with the morons you are trying to escape.

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