
I need to evict my jerk roommate in a new york city apartment?

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The last few months my roommate has really turned into a jerk. He's constantly annoyed with everyone and just causes tension around the house.

I'm on the lease and he is not. I've told him he should probably move out if he doesn't enjoy living here, but he smugly says that he'll stay as long as he likes. He knows I'm hesitant to call the landlord because we actually have 3 people living here and we're supposed to have 2 and I'd rather the landlord didn't find out.

If it's legal, I'd like to just give him a 30 days eviction notice...but do I need grounds? He's all paid up on rent and bills, it's just his attitude towards everyone that's the problem.

Can someone be evicted because they cause an unpleasant environment and their presence is no longer wanted?

What should I do?




  1. You don't need any grounds ... just give him his 30-day notice in writing before the end of July and tell him that his tenancy is over at the end of August.

    If he refuses to leave, take him to court just like your local laws say ... look them up on google and follow EVERY STEP just like you have to.

    Remind the smug jerk that a forcible eviction will be in the public record, and make it harder for him to get a new place to stay.

    Remind him that if the landlord finds out, the whole lot of you will be out on the street at the end of August ...

  2. I moved from New York to Virginia last year, so I'm not sure who I could contact to help you. Here is a resource of apartments in New York that you can contact. I'll bet someone can help you.

    Hope you find what you need

  3. If all else fails: throw his stuff out and change the lock.

  4. If you are the only one on the lease than you can give him 30 days notice in writing to evict.  I would have it done through the clerks office at the court house.  It cost a little but probably worth it.  Just tell him you are over your occupancy limit and you have decided he has to go.,...even if he is caught up with rent, you have the say when he goes, as long as you give him notice.

  5. You can't evict someone for being a jerk unless he signed a contract saying that was a violation of the contract.

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