
I need to explain to someone that swimming is a sport!?

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My friend and I are arguing [well not really fighting just, goinng on about it for fun]. She puts stuff in her profile. I need some stuff to say to make swimming seem like a sport and basketball not. Its just for fun but i do need help.

she put:

Swimming (BLAAAH)

competitive swimming is an activity of which one opponent tries to swim faster than another opponent...(BORRRINGG) the swimmer that swims the fastest is the winner of the competition. swimming is 4 f**s...guys have to shave their legs and what is with the spedos?

and i put:

It's been told that swimming is a wimp sport, or not ever a sport at all. But I don't see it. We don't get timeouts, in the middle of a race we can't stop and catch our breath, we can't roll on our stomachs and lie there, and we can't ask for a substitution. It seems to me that swimming is a real sport... and everything else is just a game.

please give me some ideas!




  1. If you become a good swimmer it is a HUGE commitment and a TON of hard work. I'm 13 and I'm swimming 18 hours a week this summer, how many hours a week does basketball practice happen? Hope this helps. :)

  2. Ok.

    Basketball. A bunch of sweaty tomboys making the gym smell.Fighting over one ball. Only has ONE season (Fall or winter i forget which)Now, WHo'd wanna do that?

    sWiMmIng--Competitve. beating ur time. practicing Evryday.All year long. Hard. You cant take a break. Pep Rallys. Swimming is tough. You have to actually work. And there is no breaks. I bet if any of u tried swimming, u couldnt do it.

    Or invite her too your meet.

  3. Swimmers deal with this a lot!  You know better, of course.

    No sweat!

    Why dribble through life when you can swim?

    Real athletes don't wear shoes.

    Speedo:  If you've got it, flaunt it.

    If swimming were any easier, they'd call it football.

    The earth is 75% water.

    Swimming is a sport--everything else is just a game.

  4. I think your answer is good! If not, see if your coach will let her come and swim at one of your practices, and maybe she will see that it's more than just swimming faster than your opponent! you're trying to make yourself better, and if you get a best time and come in last, its okay. f**s? i don't think so. and guys shave their legs because it makes them go faster, not because they enjoy it. speedos are nice....

  5. put "swimming is in the ******* olympics, there for it is a sport."

    or some swimming quotes

    “Because of physiological changes in certain hormone producing metabolic pathways during aerobic and anerobic exercise, swimmers are the most sexually active athletes.”

    Top 10 Reasons to Date a Swimmer/Waterpolo Player

    1. They like it wet.

    2. They dive right in.

    3. Love going fast.

    4. Are used to wearing next to nothing in front a group of people.

    5. Breastroke is favorite to many.

    6. Others like it on their back.

    7. They are experts at putting on rubber and can do it fast.

    8. They know how to push it and work under HARD conditions.

    9. They are firm believers that practice will make you better and will at any time, day or night.

    10. Are used to doing things again and again till you can’t.

    “Swimmers and water polo players are great lovers. Their strong hip flexors and abdominal muscles give them stamina that helps maintain a very enjoyable rhythm in the bedroom.”

    Backstrokers do it on their backs,

    Breaststrokers do it underwater,

    Flyers do it wit their hips,

    IMers do it 4 ways,

    Freestylers do it anyway they want,

    Sprinters do it faster,

    Distance swimmers last longer,

    Divers do it deeper,

    However you put it, swimmers do it better!

    H2O:  two parts Heart and one part Obsession.

    Chlorine is my perfume.

    Swimming - what real men do while boys play football.

    We swim because we are too s**y for a sport that requires clothes.

    Swimming is a sport, everything else is just a game.

    The swimmer who says, "It can't be done" is passed by the swimmer who is doing it.

    It's not how far you swim in practice; and its' not how fast you swim in practice--it's how far you swim fast in practice.

  6. tell him to go swim a mile and see how easily he does it. If he doesn't swim he'll probably get tired after 5 laps. And then you can ask him if swimming is a such an easy sport why can't he do it. As far as a f*g sport goes... let's see him try and style a speedo. That's the real trick.

  7. basically, if you are finding a way to get good exercise, you are doing a sport.

    I don't swim, but I know it's a sport, because you are constantly moving!

    It helps your arm, and leg mussels.

    tell that to your friend.

  8. are you serious?!?!  swimming probably takes more strength than any other sport.  it takes muscle, cardio, flexibility, and all-around good health.  a lot of swimmers don't look it, but they are in awesome shape.  not to mention you have to have perfect technique.

    whoever told you this is BS.  it takes mental stability and focus.  and it's definitely not boring to watch.  i don't swim, but i have great respect for swimmers.

  9. Try swimming those 20 lengths in maybe l0 minutes and tell me it's "no sweat", you could do it in your sleep....Try swimming the English Channel and tell me it's a joke and that any idiot could do it.  And sometimes the biggest  competition of all  is against yourself: watching swimming on TV and actually doing it are two different things indeed.

  10. swimming is a sport...why else would we have a place in the Olympics....and what you put is timeouts no substitutions its now or we wake up earlier than them to swim..we get a sunburn over a sunburn over a sunburn and yet we keep going back...swimming takes every single muscle in your lets throw a freaking ball back and don't have to depend on your team mates when you swim..its an individual you don't get blamed if you miss a block or something...swimming is a sport...a sport is as long as you practice in that activity its a sport....invite Ur friend to a practice and make sure its a fly day or something and shell never question you again..that's what i had to do to my friend and i haven't hurd anything from her works

  11. Swimmin, sure...

    Horse showing...NO!

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