
I need to figure out what to do about my ex I need some Advice. Should I call before I go see her etc.

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Ok now heres the sortened story. I'm taking off to go to college in the beautiful Atlanta, Georgia. Me and my ex for the longest time had the dream of going to Atlanta to college together making a family etc. Long story short both of our families don't have a lot of money so we applied for a lot of scholarships I got the money and she didn't. She became extremely depressed and asked me if I would do a long distance relationship with her. I told her yes of course I would. I loved her. (And still do)So anyways I went to view my college two and a half weeks back and while I was in between flights on the way home she texted and through the text she broke up with me. It broke my heart and we really didn't talk after that. I'm leaving for college next week and I planned to go and see her and suprise her with a good bye before I go. I want to let her go but I think its nuts to stay in contact with everyone from high school but the one I loved the most. Should I try talking to her before the suprize visit or should I just make that dynamic short goodbye great and memorable?

Plus I don't know what shes doing for college as she didn't have a real backup plan in case ours fell through. And I'm worried about that.




  1. It's too bad she did the text breakup thing.  I would urge you to see her before you leave, if only to leave on good terms and have face to face contact with her.  If she refuses to see you (I would call first), then you have no choice but to say what you need to say over the phone (or, if that doesn't work out, you can write a letter the old fashioned way, trust me, writing out your feelings will help you heal your heart).  I wouldn't want to have any lingering questions, and then you'll be able to get on with your life, get your education, and meet lots of nice folks.  Good luck with your studies, and you can move beyond this point.

  2. Try talking to her before doing anything.

    Decide on what you want to happen after both of you talked.

    Do what you feel is right.

  3. The breaking up over text seems weird and it seems like this is not her usual behavior? If so, I'm guessing she is kind of hurt, that you got in and she didn't. I would talk to her before visiting and let her make contact if she wants, when you get back to college.

  4. Hi, I know you probably wont want to hear this but, I think the best thing you can do is go to college and forget about your ex. I personally don't think long distance relationships work. I think she has probably realised that herself and that's why she texted you breaking up. Go do your thing and let her do her thing. You will both meet new people, and have new relationships. This is life, and you should live it for the moment. Good luck and be strong!

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