
I need to file for divorce and I need help?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get sole physical and legal custody of my 17 month old son because my husband is a career criminal and con man, I do not believe that he has the best interests of our son. He is in jail now and I would like to know if anyone has any idea what my chances are? I also have documentation of all his aliases & social security numbers. I did not know these things before I married him. I am in TX




  1. I cant be positive about TX law, but in most states 'custody' can mean a number of things.  If you don't want the child around him at all or let him have any custody or visits, then it sounds like you are almost trying to terminate his parental rights to the child, which is VERY difficult to do.

    Sadly, most states wont allow termination of parental rights for a father without a new 'father' adopting the child.  The logic of the courts is basically they don't a father getting out of responsibility just because he is a prick or doesn't want the hassle.  The court also doesn't want the state to have to take up the financial burden of the child and support it.

  2. If you have a lawyer, the ex doesn't stand a chance.

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