
I need to find 20 reasons why US should drop bomb on Japan in WW2 and 20 reasons why the shouldn't?

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I need help because i was only able to come up with a couple good reasons and i need alot more good ones and i just cant seem to come up with any more.




  1. #1 it worked the war ended because of it,the killing stopped.

  2. I can only think of it ending the war and saving over 100,000 American military lives and several MILLION Japanese lives, mostly woman and children.  The Japanese government was going to put woman and children on the front line with bamboo Spears to blunt the first wave of the American invasion of the home islands.

    I can not think of one reason NOT to have dropped it.

    EDIT: The idiotic answer that Japan surrendered in MAY is just too funny.  That respondent is LESS than "Under-educated".

  3. Well first you need to do some reseearch on the war so like 1 reason that we should would be to end the war. And one reason why we shouldnt was because it would also be hurting innocent lives. Another reason why we shoudlnt have was because we might have been able to sign a peace treaty. The rest you need to do but take my advice and really do some research in the war.

  4. 1.) The Japanese were trying to surrender to the Soviet Union already, so the war would have ended anyway without such a heavy loss of life.  

    2.) 200,000+ civilians died because of those bombs and such behavior is simply not okay.  Think of it was 9/11 but over 50 times worse.  

    3.) The U.S. will always look like a hypocrite now whenever it tries to get other countries not to make weapons of mass destruction since we have them and have used them against Japan.  

    4.) Japan tried to surrender to us prior to the bombings, but we didn't let them because we didn't understand them.  The reason we didn't understand them was our translators were incompetent because Japanese is an indirect language and English isn't.  Nevertheless, they were trying to surrender any way, just in a way that would allow them to keep some face.  We wouldn't allow it, and so 200,000+ innocent people lost their lives over our arrogance.

    5.) It cost a lot of money to build those nuclear weapons.  Money that could have been better spent on other more productive things.

    6.) If we hadn't developed nuclear weapons there is a chance that other countries wouldn't have come to invent them as well, leading to:

    a. Better relations with Russia during the Cold War Era.

    b. No crisis today with North Korea and/or Iran over nuclear weapons.

    c. No excuse to invade Iraq in 2003 over weapons of mass destruction.

    d. Better standing in general in the global community since might be viewed as a savior and not a hypocritical bully that attacks others for trying to do the same things it did.

    Those are all the reasons I can of why the U.S. should not have nuked Japan.  I can't really think of any positive reasons other than that it was a very fast and cowardly way in which the war could be ended if one wanted to compete with the n***s for fast speed in which to increase the body count of innocent victims.

  5. 1.In order to save American lives with estimates of mainland invasion losses being 100,000 to 400,000 in U.S. soldiers, up to one million Japanese.

    2. To minimize Soviet participation in the Far East, we already knew they intended to dominate E. Europe.

    3. Retribution for Pearl Harbor, Nanking and lots of other atrocities committed by Imperial Japan since 1933.

  6. Can't really think of 20, but Japan freakin surrendered.


    1) Japan surrendered in May of 1945

    2) There was absolutely no need to drop the bomb.

    3) Japan freaking surrendered

    4) " "

    5) " "

    6) Now we look like ridiculous hypocrites telling the rest of the world that nuclear weapons are bad and no one else should use them.


    1) Russia needs to see that we had the power.

    2) ___________

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