
I need to find a Roommate...but I dont know how?!!

by  |  earlier

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22yrsold, and I have lived by myself since I was 18! It has really sucked. It's TOO quiet most of the time, and not to mention all of the bills I have to pay by myself. Since I'm going back to college this fall, I want to get a 2bdrm apt and find a cool girl who's also a student to rent out the other room! i have no idea how to find someone. I don't have many gf's for one, and I don't know anyone personally who's looking for a place right now. How do I find someone and screen them properly so they can then sign the lease with me and move in? I think it will be fun and more of the "college life" feel to it. I'm just scared I'm going to s***w it up or something and go and get a 2bdrm beforehand then not be able to find anyone to rent the other room. Help!!




  1. There are a lot of ways you can find a female roommate-

    You could post an ad on and then they e-mail you back and you can set up an interview session, or lunch or something, and speak to them and get a feel of what kind of person they are.

    Or, you could go the risky route, and wait until school after getting the 2 bedroom apartment and put fliers up around campus.

    A word of advice: just make sure whoever you choose is reliable & trustworthy!

    Good luck and I hope this helped!!

  2. craigslist.


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