
I need to find a dead beat dad who is trying his best to hide?

by  |  earlier

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I can't afford a private investigator and, although they are trying their best, the Child Support Services isn't much help. Is there anyone out there who can give me any advice outside the normal searches like ussearch, etc. I would really appreciate it.




  1. File a complaint with the court for not paying child support. When time for court, if he jumps and don't show, they'll put a warrant out for his arrest and when he gets his name ran(traffic stop, roadblock etc.) they will arrest him AND extradite him back to where you live.

  2. Well, since you had a child to him you should know him very well, at least I think you should and being so you should have a good idea of how he thinks and this will lead you to him.

  3. I dont know where you live but have you tried searching the courts online in your area, or public records.

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