
I need to find a equestrian boarding school that offers a full scholarship help!!!?

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im 13 years od and hate where i am ive lost more friends then there are fingers and toes and i cant take it i need out of my life and im a really good rider and pretty smart so it cant be to hard right??? my love of my life moved and i rarley see him and i just need OUT please please if you can just help me mabey i would stop feeling left out :(




  1. There are many schools throughout the United States that offer Equestrianism. I don't know of any schools that are solely devoted to horse riding, but there are several that are known mainly for their excellent riding programs. Here's a list of all of the boarding schools in the U.S. that offer equestrianism. Go to

    "Sports" and select Equestrian and fill in any other criteria that you want.

    Something to be cautious about, however, is that not all of the schools listed in the link above will have what you want in an equestrian program. So you'll first have to choose boarding schools out of that list that you like based on their academics and school atmosphere and then look into their equestrian programs. Do not look for schools based on their equestrian programs! Because you will not be spending most of your time on a saddle, you will be spending most of your time sitting at a desk. So even if you love the school's riding program, it's academics and/or school atmosphere may be horrible and you will be miserable, at least whenever you're not riding.

    When I was in boarding school I went to my dream school, and I love horses so naturally I took equestrian, but unfortunately, it was a horrible program. So you must find a balance between your education and your interest in equestrianism. And I'm sure you will find many schools that are both great with academics and have great riding programs. As far as financial aid is concerned, most established boarding schools offer full financial aid if your parents make less than a certain amount a year. If they don't fall under the income bracket that each school sets then sometimes there are individual scholarships offered, which are much harder to get and maintain once you receive them. To look up a school's financial aid policy go to the school's website and look under "Admissions" for tuition and financial aid information. Best of luck.

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