
I need to find a gift for a bar mitzvah.?

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it's my neighbor's grandson. i have no idea what he likes since i've only briefly met him once.

i'm christian and all of this stuff confuses me.

i looked around online but i don't think it would be right for me to give him any religious stuff. (duh.)

can you please please help me?

oh and what kind of clothing does one wear to a bar mitzvah?




  1. Money is always welcome and appreciated as a bar mitzvah gift. You may want to give him a gift card.  Can you ask his grandparents what he likes?  He might like an iTunes gift card or a gift card for the Apple Store.

    As far as what to wear, a bar mitzvah is a very important occasion so you should dress very nicely in a pretty dress and low heels.  Nothing too flashy or immodest--aim for a very classy, polished look.

    Have a great time!  Bar mitzvahs are always a lot of fun!

  2. You received very good advice above.  I'll only add a bit.

    In Judaism, a boy becomes a man within the eyes of the religious community at age 13.  The term "Bar Mitzvah" means "Son of the Covenant".  Beginning at age 13 the religious obligations become binding.

    At the synagogue or temple, you'll observe a Jewish service, with the boy reading in Hebrew from the Torah (basically what you know as the Old Testament), showing that he is ready to undertake the obligations of an adult male.  Afterwards there will likely be a reception.  There might also be a major party later in the day (your invitation will say what you've been invited to).  As a Christian, you'll be very welcome at the service and to participate to the extent you feel comfortable with.  Follow along in the prayer book (called a Siddur) you'll either receive when you enter, or will find at your seat.  Conservative clothing, like you'd wear at church, is appreciated.  Depending upon the congregation, there'll be some combination of Hebrew and English.  Head coverings for women are optional at most synagogues.

    Giving a check for the boy's college fund, or perhaps a gift card, is the easiest way to go.  Don't give it at the service--money and such shouldn't be exchanged at that time.  Either provide it to him or his parents at any reception afterwards, or put it in the mail when you get home.

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