
I need to find a mentor for my son with asperger's !!!?

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I have been trying to get help with the disabilities group but can'y get anyone to help. He is 17 and has asperger's and ADHD. I need help before it is too late.




  1. Well, I am a 24 year old with AS and I would be glad to help in any way that I can. I also have ADHD; it can be a rough road but there are a lot of talents that he has and that's a good thing.

    There are many different Asperger's agencies throughout the country:

    # Asperger Association of New England, Boston

    # ASA National Conferences

    # Autism Network International


    # American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

    # Autism Society of Wisconsin

    # Autism Society of Ohio

    # ARK Autism Awareness Rally In Washington D.C.

    # National Symposium on Autism

    # Autism Society of Ontario (Toronto)

    Asperger Backup Campaign

    SACAR (Bradford, Autism North (University of Sunderland),

    # Autism Society of California-San Diego Police Department

    # Autism Society of Los Angeles

    # Autism Society of Iowa

    # ASPEN (Asperger's Syndrome), New Jersey

    # Mental Health Associates /Orange County, NY

    # Autism Society of New Hampshire

    # Calcasieu Parish Louisiana School District

  2. You might try some local autism support groups. There are also some websites where you can post a free ad to look for people who might be interested in working with your son. Good luck!

    Here are some other autism resources that I have found helpful:

    "Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew" -

    "Positively Autism" (Free newsletter and printable lessons/activities) -

    "Teaching Tips for Children and Adults with Autism" by Temple Grandin -

    Website of Paula Kluth, Ph.D. -

    "The Discovery of 'Aspie' Criteria" by Carol Gray and Tony Attwood -

  3. If you live in the US, try seeing if there is a local chapter of the Autism Society of America nearby. They provide a number of programs to assist autistics and parents with issues regarding those on the spectrum. Perhaps they may be able to act as liason to helping you find a member from a place like The Boys and Girls' club or America or a similar organization.

  4. My state offers this program through the county's mental health services.  Has the school been able to help?  

    Mentor has a lot of different meanings.  You may want to think through what you'd like to see your son participate in - weekly/bi weekly fun meetings through parks and rec, one-on-one treatment through therapy sessions or social skill training through the school system.  Since he's already 16, you should also call Vocational Rehabilitation and see how he can sign up for adult services.

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