
I need to find a top notch federally funded homeschool for high schoolers?

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i want to graduate early and homeschooling is the way to go. I want it to be federally funded and of course accreditied. Any tips would be great.




  1. Government funded school = Public school... Not really homeschooling... Just public school brought home. If you REALLY want to homeschool you'd be better off paying a little extra, or just doing it free through library services, educational websites and software, and community classes or co-ops. When the government pays for it you're bound by their low standards and ridiculous policies.

  2. What country are you in?

    If it's the USA, there isn't any federally funded homeschooling.  Generally speaking, public education is not 'federally funded' but state funded (although it maybe federally subsidized.)

    Homeschooling laws in the USA vary from state to state, some being more involved with the public schools than others, but overall, homeschool is like private school, parents choose the education and curriculum. In most cases, parents pay for those choices as well. That included accredited courses.

    If you are talking public school at home, that is not homeschooling. It is publicly funded online schools. If that is what you are look for, you will need to give us more info, such as what state you live in.

  3. Don't exist.

    Homeschool is an alternative option.

    States, county and Fed fund the public school system and that's it.

    You gotta pay and while all are accredited, they won't always give a diploma nor provide credits to an institution that awards one.

  4. Home schools receive no funding from any governmental agency; state, or federal.

    Home schools are completely independent from any state, or federal agency, and it's diploma's are just as valid as from any "accredited" conventional schools.

  5. Actually, if you want to graduate early, you'd be better off deciding on your own coursework with your parents.  That way, you can go through it at your own speed.  Online public schools won't generally allow you to do that.

    As for being accredited...the only benefit to an "accredited" program is if you want to re-enter the public school system before graduation.  Colleges, except for the UC system, don't care one way or another.  Berkely, Stanford, Harvard, and Yale all currently have homeschool grads enrolled who didn't do one day of an accredited program.

    The only federally funded program is public school online - and for that, you'll have to go through at their speed.  If you make your own program, you can include college courses through concurrent enrollment - and then your courses will count for both college and high school credit.

    Hope that helps :-)

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