
I need to find a trendy and cool restaurant to take my girlfriend in central london/city?

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I need to find a trendy and cool restaurant to take my girlfriend in central london/city?




  1. try the old Natwest tower on old broad street. champagne bar Vertigo 42 and restaurant Rhodes 24 - both supposed to be good.

  2. The Jam on the Kings Road

  3. Well let think of the lady 1st

    If  you have the money hotel resturants are allways best . Book a night in a hotel and eat in the resturant or try this  the eve club  a reasonable price not cheap but no too expencive a t good deal im sure you gf will enjoy it ther here is the link

    Enjoy ur english meal out with her  oh and yes it is located in central london / city =] Enjoy  

  4. if you like meat try notting grill

    otherwise check this web site:

    best web site for restaurants - it has menus, prices, pictures, review and you can pick exactly what you want to eat and where

  5. Check out "Dans Le Noir" in Farringdon.

    It's the most exciting dining experience I've ever had (and I'm not even being paid to say that!".

    If she's a little adventurous she'll love it (and love you for having the nous to suggest it!)

  6. How about Tamarai (Covent Garden) - pan-Asian, has a club and bar.

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