
I need to find cheap health insurance for a couple months while switching jobs, please help!?

by  |  earlier

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I do'nt want to go with COBRA because it is too expensive. I only need major medical coverage that isn't too expensive but that is actually good. I only need it for two months. Please help.




  1. Check out good info and instant quotes from some top providers. Just get something with a high deductible just in case for the 2 months, so your premiums are pretty low.  Something with like a $4000 deductible should be only around $50/60.

  2. There is no cheap temporary coverage, meaning you are better off to pay COBRA for 2 months rather than go thru the hassle of finding a company that will take you with no pre-existing conditions and go under full underwriting. That whole process can take longer than a sure thing, just pay the COBRA, you will be better off, you will see. As an agent I would not want to work my rear off finding you coverage if I knew you were only going to keep it a couple months, the commission on these health plans is not that great, that's why we need volume, we don't get rich off one policy.

  3. Assurant health has an inexpensive short-term health plan.

  4. Companies like Blue Cross and Golden Rule offer temporary coverage on the internet.   DON'T bother with "see an agent", they just want to skim off the commission.

  5. There are several on-line services that can assist you in getting a quote.  Two of the more reliable are :

    Because they specialize and partner with numerous health insurance providers, you are more likely to get better coverage at a better rate through them verses calling around to individual agents.

    I hope this helps!

  6. Try AmeriPlan they have cheap alternatives to health insurance.

  7. Your best choice is probably COBRA, even though it may cost you more.  The reason is that any new insurance you get will require the completion of an application by you, underwriting (meaning check out your previous health-related problems), and possible exclusion for any pre-existing condition.  Since underwriting is typically not fast, there is a real risk that you would not have any insurance for some number of weeks while the underwriting takes place.  In addition, because you will be a single insured person and not part of a large group, the premium by definition will be higher as the insurance company is unable to "spread the risk' as it can with a group.  On balance, you will likely not pay much more for COBRA than a major med policy, you will have it immediately, and there will be no exclusion for pre-existing conditions.


    (Previously licensed to sell health and life insurance.)

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