
I need to find info about child protection services and how to get kids out of the house?

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if kids are removed from the home do they go to family or foster care




  1. it depends on who the closest family member is and what state they live in (the kids and family members). It also depends on why the kids are being removed from the home. The best bet is to look it up on your state governments website.

  2. you need to call cps and complain and then they do a check "on the kids" gig and if they see something they don't like than maybe just maybe they will intervene but sometimes it takes a year of complaints! and sometimes they go to foster and sometimes they go to family "if the family qualifies"! but sometimes foster care is not the best place for kids a lot of shiznit happens in places like that so if your going to do this make absolutely sure you are doing this for the right reasons "the kids" and not for any other reason than that!

  3. It depends sometimes they go to state facilities first.  

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