I was informed by a little kid, [comic book style] that my yahoo account was being pulled because I was in an unrecognized area. And so, I guess that yahoo.com now controls where we use our computers. I have used this computer right here in Lower Nicola BC, and in Oroville Wa.,and I must say until now, I've never, ever, had any problems with yahoo.com, but this one is a doozey!
I have almost $39.00 in my phone in, and my phone out accounts, and I find it a real stretch for yahoo.com to lock my account so that I'm denied access to my phone services, because they have a greater need for that little bit of money, than I do.
But, trying to recover my password is about as hard as it is to get at a preachers snake oil. So if anybody from yahoo.com,s staff reads this maybe they'll have a little sympathy for the gimp,(did I mention the fact that I'm the victim of osteo-arthritis, and osteoporosis), please accept my apologies. But I'm stuck in a wheelchair.