
I need to find myself..?

by  |  earlier

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I know what i like, but i try too much to be like other people to please them. and i need to find myself and i want to not care what people think of me. help?

Thanks! :D




  1. I tried going outside without any makeup on and i smiled and laughed all the tyme, I didn't care what people thought about me so have a go and i hope you find yourself

  2. just forget about what people say. You are beautiful in Gods eyes. First you have to change how you look on the inside and then you can worry about fashion. God loves you for who you are!

  3. ok heres what you do! go shopping and find clothes and make up you DO like! i was in this problem last month and i found out that the style i like is the bright colored things and hello kitty and stuff like that! people call it "scene"

  4. Do what you want. If other people don't like you for who you are then that's there problem. You should never care what other people think. It's your life. I'm a pretty odd person and I used to be the same way as you and I wouldn't show my true self, but when I finally did do what I wanted I found out that it didn't matter to other people and they still liked me. If it's your friends saying that you shouldn't wear something cause they don't like it then don't be friends with them. My friends love me no matter what I do or wear, and I love them no matter what they do or wear. It may be hard in the beginning to stop caring about what other people think but once you get used to it you'll find that you are much happier.

  5. Get confidence and self awareness of your surrounding and how you feel about yourself, don't let people say things that you have to fallow you are aloud to have your own opinions , you need to figure out what you like and what makes you happy regardless of what it is as long as you are happy that is all that matters. It is ok try not to let what others think of you bother you good luck<3  

  6. K so there are going to a whole lot of mean/negative jokes coming up- so your first step to finding yourself should be to ignore them.

    Secondly- spend a couple days away from your friends and with family or with really, really close friends instead.  Typically you act yourself around the people you can trust.  So you should try to act that way around everyone- and you won't have to worry about people liking you because EVERYONE likes when people do not try to put on an act but rather just be themselves.

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