
I need to find obits..FREE!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I need to find a website that I can to go to look for Obits or death records for free...and one that I dont have to do those stupid offers to get it.




  1. Sorry but I don't know of free, but I do know of cheap.. try

  2. there isn't one.  Newspapers know they can charge for on-line access to the obituaries in their paper.  Death records are available only to the family (parents, grandparents, or children, grandchildren.  Not to cousins, nieces, etc).  They are also not free.  They have to be obtained from the Dept. of Vital Statistics of the state the person died in and there WILL be a fee for them, and you MUST prove you are a legitimate family member who is authorized to have it.

    Your only chance at getting a look at an obituary for free is to go to the library of the community the person died in and look at the archived newspapers there.

  3. If you are in the USA,

    has four methods, with 6 links and more advice than I care to paste here.

  4. To get them for free, go to the library and use their resources. They pay for the subscriptions to things like so that their patrons can access them for free. Researching at home is never free. Besides, there's less than 10 years of obituaries online in most places. The libraries still store all newspapers on film and you can pull obituaries way back to the 1800s from the library...all for free.

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