
I need to find one CON and one PRO about the causes of global warming??? Any Ideas?

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I need to find one CON and one PRO about the causes of global warming??? Any Ideas?




  1. Con - it's a scare tactic

    Pro - Anything that causes people to give a d**n about the environment is good.

  2. CON -

    A careful examination of a large number of species in numerous parts of the planet projects that a stunning portion of them will be "committed to extinction" in just 50 years, with only modest global warming (Thomas, 2004).

    PRO -

    After most of the life on this planet goes extinct, in a few million years when intelligent life evolves again (intelligent cockroaches perhaps) and has the power to affect the planet like this, they'll be able to look back and learn from our mistakes.  

    The denialists will finally have the "absolute proof" they've been waiting for (which they can document on a CD and hope that someone or something invents CD drives in the future to read it).

  3. PRO - our winters won't be as severe

    CON - it'll melt our ice cap! (causing the extinction of many different species)

  4. google or yahoo search global warming, and then narrow ur search to the fact and fiction..

  5. Look up Al Gore (Google it) - he's been awarded with the highest honors for his efforts and information.  You will be surprised with the facts, and the amount of them to choose!  Have a healthy and happy leap year!

  6. Maybe try to ask a question that makes sense.

  7. There are many CONS to global warming...and I think you heard those already. But the one PRO I can think of is that 15 years from now, when it's too busy to go to Hawaii or Bahamas for a tropical vacation...You can go to ALASKA and they'll be tropical too, because it will be about 90 degrees there too.

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