
I need to find out how to dry a large amount of topsoil.?

by  |  earlier

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i have 300+ yrd. of good quality topsoil. the problem is, that due to the poor weather we've been having, my dirt is wet!!!! i need to find a something that i can mix with the topsoil to help dry it up, without affecting the ph levels in a negative way, or some other way to dry it out quickly. i was told that using "hot" lime would dry it up, but would make the ph to high. anyone have any ideas??? please help.




  1. You could use a rotating compost bin. It would allow for more surface area and allow a quicker drying time as well as aiding in the nutrition valve of the soil.

    How to build a rotating bin.

    All of this may take some time and effort but what ever you grow should appreciate it.

    If you just want to dry the soil use a metal 55 gal drum as you rotating bin and use a small camp fire to heat it as it turned.

    Good luck its a big project.

  2. buy some new dirt and throw away that dirt


    dirt dirt dirt dirt

  3. I have a solution but since you used the word 'dirt' to describe soil, I am sorry I cannot help.

  4. When the soil is piled over a slotted big-O tile bed, and air is forced through the soil it will dry to a significant degree. provided it be protected from rainfall and floodwater.

    We do not know how dry you want it, so the following may be unnecessary step.

    If air being pushed through the soil has been passed first through calcium chloride, the air will be very dry.  You would use this  only for final stages of drying, after simple air had done its job.

    Heating the air as via a solar collector, could accomplish a large part of what the calcium chloride dried air would do.

    If you are drying this for an agricultural purpose you really want just well drained soil. drained as in piled over those big O under a tent.

    Adding sand is likely a bad idea, even though it will allow drainage if it is poorly mixed. When well mixed with a clay soil, sand does not significantly improve drainage.

  5. Hair dryer.

  6. Mix in lots of sand and turn it several times. The sand will help it drain loose water. Always work well for me.

  7. Dirt their i said dirt for all those people who went to school and are educated if you are selling topsoil there is not a cost effective way to dry the DIRT be patient and let mother nature do her thing

  8. sand

  9. Baby, first of all stop calling your soil 'dirt'. It is soil.

    Don't know which part of the earth you are. Only good drainage will help you. Have about 1 1/2' (400 mm) width and 3' (1 meter) deep (length should entire side of your property) trench dug one slopping side of your property. Almost all excess water will accumulate there. You may reuse this water latter.

    Cover entire area with black plastic sheet raised from the ground. (Make it low tent shape) leave some opening on the apex for stem to go out. Sun will dry entire area in a day or two.

  10. Unless you are able to get this "dirt" under some type of cover it is going to keep getting wet!  Irregardless of what component you utilize for drying.  Sand will add to your bulk, hot lime will mess with your pH... seems that you need some cooperation from mother nature or get it moved into an area to keep it dry.  Good luck.

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