
I need to find out how to take care of turtle eggs. they are the size of a quarter. soft shell or snappers ?

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my husband is working in a canal in la. he has saved a few soft shells from their death from equipment. we dont know what kind of eggs these are. there are soft shells and snappers in the canal i could use all the i can get we are animal lovers and didnt want them harmed




  1. Sadly, once a turtle egg is moved, it is usually killed UNLESS he was careful to mark the top of each egg and move it in a way that keeps the top side up.

    The embryo is very lightly attached to the shell and detaches easily, which instantly stops its development.

    A simple incubator is:

    - Large plastic bag (gallon Zip-Lock is OK for a few eggs)...

    - Fill to about 2" with damp sand mixed with some Vermiculite to help hold moisture...

    - Make some 'dimples' in the sand to hold the eggs about 1/2 deep...

    - Drop in a thermometer so you can keep it close to 88F...

    - Then place it under a lamp or warm place to keep this temperature constant.

    You can find better incubators on-line, like a plan that uses a cheap cooler, a probe thermometer, a thermostat, and various heater systems to keep things nice and warm with the right humidity.

    You can also find more info at...



  2. Take a plastic container with sawdust just dampened in it or with mulch in it.  Bring along a non toxic marker.  Mark the top of each egg before you move it.  Make sure the Mark stays UPRIGHT at all times.  and settle the eggs into the box.  If they get turned upside down or sideways the eggs will die. the babies inside will suffocate in their own egg sacs..

    Keep the container in a reasonably warm location, out of direct sunlight.  It will take anywhere from 60 to 90 days for them to hatch.  you can put a lid on the box, with ventilation holes

    This is a forum of people who enjoy snappers and other turtles and they will give you answers to any questions you might have.

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