
I need to find the best Immigration Solicitor in the UK - any recommendations?

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I have a mate who has been given some wrong information in the past in regards to his visa application and subsequently his application have been refused! How believable is that I have no clue because the so called "solicitor" that he went to seems dodgy to me. After months of going back and forth he said one day he recieved a letter from them saying the Home Office has refused his application and he had to leave the country immediately but they are holding his passport. Now when he asked the "solicitor" why they didn't send it back they told him that they could ask for it back. I just dont get that really!!

Another thing is - He is an overstay-er but his reasons are very plausible not that the Home Office would care.

He as been here for the good part of 8 years and pays N.I contributions, work hard like any of us hard working Brits and not like most of these free loading foreigners. I want to help this guy find a way of staying in the country because he came here from Jamaica when he was 20 years old and all he wants to do is make a life for himself and not be a bum.

Please, I know there are a lot of negative people on this site but if you are not prepared to help just don't reply back ok. There are a lot of people among all these immigrants who believe it are not are not criminals, they just want to make a honest living and most importantly deserves to a better life for themselves and willing to work hard for it.

Please help us out mate give me some advice or a couple of good contacts so I can at least try to help my mate.

Thank you




  1. Breytenbachs. They are in London.

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