
I need to find the percange of arbon imprint dropping?

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j. If you were to go trade your unleaded petroleum gas car in, today, for a diesel car, then convert it into Biodiesel car the carbon imprint that KRHS emits each week would drop by find the percentage. If each high school were to do that it would cut the US’s Carbon Imprint by find percentage.




  1. OK.  Diesel is a little bit better than gas.  It tends to have more particulates, but those are important to the carbon footprint you mention.  So if you switch to diesel the studies show you will drop your emissions about 15-20% per vehicle.  Then, if you use B20 (20% biodiesal) or B100 (100% biodiesal)  you can reduce your emission fromanywhere between 30-93%.  30% with the B20 and 93% with the B100.

    I have no idea where the first poster got his figures...

  2. 22% and 18%.

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