
I need to find the proper propeller for my older boat?

by Guest59972  |  earlier

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Need to find the proper size and pitch for my older boat. It's a 17' Renken 1977 v hull. It has a mercrusier sterndrive that the decals have disappeared over time. 302 V-8 motor. The prop has no numbers on it. I need whatever nomanclature, hub size, whatever I can get to replace the one that broke.




  1. Bill F is correct .... from the back of the prop under the prop nut is a stamped number x pitch this is to identify your prop.

  2. I don't think mercruiser had the Alpha back in 77.think it is an 881. talk to a marine service mgr and see if 881 and Alpha propshafts are the same. i think they are. A 302 in a little boat. you could probubly run a 21 pitch if your looking for more top end but you would sacrifice hole shot.

  3. I had 17 pitch aluminum beat up prop on a 18 ft with a 140 and replaced it with a 19 pitch stainless steel $300 prop and couldn't tell one bit of difference. I should have listened to the dealer and stayed with the 17in  aluminum for about $50.

  4. Hi you need to look at the prop again look at the front side (the first area that goes over the prop shaft. you should see the props size and pitch cast into the prop around bushing

    also you can identify the out drive, located at the upper case left side just above the lower unit is the location of the out drive info & id no.s you probabbly have an alpha out drive but it may not be. you will need more info to get the results that you need to  re-prop, possable outdrives are alpha, alpha1& beta  clymers has a fairly decant book on merc outdrives, you will want to get one anyway so now is the time. good luck and happy boating

  5. I would suggest finding a local deal that sells props. Most will let you try props and swap to find the right one. If you know what your top speed rpm and MPH where they may be able to calculate what pitch you prop was. Normally the pitch range for that type of combination is 17p - 19p

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