
I need to focus my mind and sleep better I have decided to supplement my diet with this any feed back or sugg.

by  |  earlier

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B complex ( both injections )

Ginko Biloba

Gigeng in the morning

B-6 pill at night

Fish Oil

what else could I do to naturally boost energy and mental productin in the day and sleep well at night right now I am constentlly fatigued with insomnia will any of this stuff help and is there anything else ?




  1. Here is my way to have a good sleep and stay fresh for whole day. check @

  2. My first suggestion would be to not get a B-12 shot AND a B complex shot... it would be too easy to overdo it with those together. You'd get a more even (and safer) dose of it if you took a pill daily, and then you could more easily utilize a separate B-12 and B complex if they were pills.

    Ginkgo and Fish Oil are great for brain health, the B Vitamins can help with energy and cardiovascular health, and Ginseng is also very good for energy.

    In addition to those, the most popular natural products for brain health are Acetyl L-Carnitine, Phosphatidylserine (abbreviated PS), DMAE, Huperzine A, Bacopa Monnieri (or Monniera), and Vinpocetine.

    As far as the fatigue and insomnia, I'm willing to bet the insomnia may be causing the fatigue (as a lack of sleep will tend to). I'd suggest staying away from all those items we've talked about for a good 3 hours before bed time (as some get your mind going) as well as exercise, sugar, and caffeine. You could also try taking Melatonin, Tryptophan, or Valerian for help sleeping. Good luck with everything!

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