
I need to fundraise for a young mum who is dying her 4 year old son attends school with my son any one help xx

by  |  earlier

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i would like to try and get a holiday for them,and finance put by for her son




  1. How sad, why not go round and ask local companies to put in a collection box, fun days always go nice, talk to the school as they should have days like that and ask them to donate the money to the charity. School discos, fun runs. etc. Good luck. Its nice to know that people really do care, my heart goes out to you all, including the family concerned.

  2. Run a fashion show. Mostly any of the hight street shops are more than willing to oblige. Get the mums and some kids to "model" the clothes. Hold it in a club hall, get somebody to provide music, (young dj's will be very willing), some refreshments, and a ballot. charge maybe 5quid a ticket, print of advertising stuff, and you will have a great night, and make a right bit of cash. Good luck.

  3. you need to do somethign crazy

      not stupid, ok

      do a bike run, say 100 miles, in a costume,

    get the tv people there, newpapers,

      get the message out , plan it , and do it ,

    you will need, a support crew, food .drink , get it all dontated,

       listen if you dont ask, you dont get ,keep phoneing , around.

    it will come

       'WOMAN CYCLES  FOR LIFE"    dontate : please

      the local bike shop ,will dontate the bike , or contact one of the mountain bike , people,  

      i wish you luck

  4. try having a brides ball. get a hotel, to sponsor the event. you will need support . IE, friends ,family, elect a committee to keep your self right with the money end, people can get weird ideas when just one person is in charge. your local paper should do a feature.the brides will have another chance to wear their wedding dresses in a good cause..good luck.let us know how it goes

  5. Use Christmas first of all. Get people to bake cakes, puddings, etc and donate gifts. The school may be having a fair and will allow the proceeds of this stall to go to the fund and maybe even all the proceeds or a percentage of the others stalls. If not, then there are many Christmas fairs around that would allow you to have a stall for a small cost. Get some flyers ready and let people know what you're trying to do so that you can get suggestions and help at the fair. Good Luck.

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