
I need to get a copy of my high school transcript and need to know the difference btwn official & unofficial??

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Does the official transcript look the same as the unofficial?? How different do both of these look from one another if not? What is the difference between the two? I need to get them for the embassy, the school says I should get official but they won't give it directly to me they will only mail them to the embassy even though I need it in my hands, the unofficial; however, is free and can be handed directly to me. I'm just not sure if the embassy will accept thats why i ask...




  1. An unofficial transcript is just that: Unofficial. It shows the classes and tests that you've taken in your high school career and what marks you've received.

    The only difference between the unofficial and official is that the official one is reviewed by a school registrar or guidance counselor to make sure that you've received the credits that you've earned and that everything in their records are correct.

    If the embassy will accept an official transcript and you go to pick it up, be sure to NOT OPEN the envelope it's contained in. If someone besides a school official or, in your case, embassy personnel open it, it'll BECOME unofficial and you'll have to get a new one. {They'll think that you've tampered with it to make your grades look better, that's why you don't open official transcripts yourself}

    If I were you, I'd see if the unofficial would work. Otherwise, I'd order the official one and get it sent to the embassy ASAP.

  2. It's the same piece of paper.  

    Official means it's stamped, sealed in an envelope, and they won't let you touch it (because you might try to alter it).  Unofficial usually isn't stamped, may not be in color or or fancy paper, and they'll give it directly to you.  

    I would ask your high school to give you an "unofficial" one, but stamp and seal it before handing it to you.  The school might not consider it official, but chances are the embassy will be happy.  

    You might want to have an "official" copy mailed to the embassy as well, just to be on the safe side.

  3. Most places require an official transcript.  The difference is that it is notarized by your high school, and is never in your possesion - ie. you have had no opportunity to alter it.

    An unofficial transcript is a print-out of the same thing, but without the notarization.  The best thing to do is get an unofficial transcript you can bring with you, and have an official transcript sent to wherever they need it.

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