
I need to get a job when my son goes to school, is there any money in paranormal investigating?

by  |  earlier

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and how do i begin?




  1. No, there's no money in paranormal investigation. It's mostly a hobby for those involved, unless you sell your services to hotels, churches, or the public.

    As for how to begin, it all starts with a willingness to expand your horizons a little. It has nothing to do with religion, as most people seem to think.

  2. I wish to know what to say to you.

  3. The simple answer is no.

    The more complicated answer is once you go to school and obtain your doctorate degree (something all full members of the Parapsychological Association are required to have) in an area of conventional science (which is most of the degrees that members have) like psychology, sociology, engineering, biology, physics then good paying jobs in teaching and researching in your area of education are available in universities, government programs, and research institutions.

    Then there is grant money available to pursue your interest in the paranormal on at least a small scale and you will even be qualified to conduct such investigations.

    Of course plumbing takes less time to get training in and it pays well and apparently many people believe it makes you an expert in the paranormal.

    You begin by locating the college or university in your town and meeting with an admissions counselor.


  4. Paranormal investigation is volunteer work.  At least the best investigators don't charge.  It is a money pit that if you are passionate about it is worth it.

  5. no, it is not a get rich quick scheme.  it is voluntary work.  done to help others, here and over there.[the other side].

  6. Only if you can sucker people into paying you to investigate/rid their house of ghosts they may or may not have. (it's not like calling a plumber!) You can begin anytime you want. There is no set standard to being called a paranormal investigator. There's no licence you need, no schooling you need to go to. So gain some knowlegde, and start an investigation group and go out there.

    Ethically, though it's totally wrong to scam people into this. Unfortunately you probably don't have the credentials to recieve government grats for this area of study, the gov probably wouldn't consider paranormal investigating worth the time and effort to hand our research grants for something like this, unless of course you did have some heavy credentials.

  7. No there is not.  Most groups do this and have a full time job as well.  Since most groups are volunteers and do not charge for services, then no pay is available.

  8. Paranormal investigators don't pay, maybe the television guys get compensation for their image on the screen, and if you check out their web sites they do seminars and cruises and ghost hunts - so there is a possibility you could get paid if you toured with the tv guys.

    As a part time thing, maybe if you had some research skills or handle calls or filing and could convince some group it was worth hiring you to telecommute from home - but I doubt it .

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