
I need to get a shot,but i am super afraid of needles?

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i have to get a shot soon, but needles are my worst fear. i am 13 and i still cry when someone says i need a shot, because i am so afraid. i told my mom i would rather get the disease then get the shot. what are some things i can do to calm down?




  1. get over it.  the fear is worse that the actuality.  just sit calmly, close your eyes, think of a pleasant place and breathe deeply and slowly.  crying is for babies and doesn't help at all.

  2. I Felt The Same Way, Yesterday.

    Trust Me, It's A Pinch!

    I Swear.

  3. I was in the same boat at your age.  I absolutely hated needles.  I found that the first step is to not look at the needle.  Also, you should force yourself to relax your arm, since it will make it a lot less painful.  You can practice relaxation exercises too (the ones that I did pretty much consisted of deep breathing and consciously forcing my muscles to relax, one by one).  

    Another method that helps is actually counter-intuitive.  Some people say to ignore the pain or to think about something else, but I find that it's the worst way to deal with it.  What I do is to focus on the pain (where is it, is it sharp, is it an ache?) and analyze it.  This takes it away from my subconscious mind (which usually goes "Pain! Something is wrong!") and turns it into just another signal that my brain is getting.  In other words, I tell my subconscious mind "yeah, I know something is happening, you don't have to tell me about it."

    You also might just outgrow it (which, I know, isn't much consolation to you right now).  I used to hate needles just as much as you, but now I'm a regular blood donor (I spent an hour with a needle in my arm while donating platelets last Tuesday).

    You do have it within you to make it through the shot.  You might stress out, and the shot will sting for a second, and then it will be over with.  In my experience, needles get easier to deal with each time you get poked.  This shot probably won't be as bad as the last time you had one.  I know you've heard it a bunch of times, and it's easier to say when you're not on the receiving end of a shot, but you'll be fine.

  4. Nothing to fear.  I am sure you have had more discomfort from daily activities.  Just a little pinch.  Depending on the medicine, there may be a little aching and soreness afterward.  Nothing to be afraid of. Face your fear. It is the best way to overcome it.

  5. It doesn't really hurt...just take deep breaths and don't think about the needle.... it'll be over before you know it...when i was11 i always HATED them and never wanted to come near them....i just closed my eyes and in 4 seconds it was over....some tips would be remembering some of you favorite songs, you would be so distracted that you wouldnt even notice.....

  6. I still wince at the idea of receiving a shot even though I have given and received shots many times.  I find it easiest to talk and be friendly with whoever is giving the shot to alleviate some nervousness, and I don't look at the needle.  Just be friendly and don't watch what they are doing.  It doesn't really hurt much, rather it is the idea that is scary.  So do this and you will realize that it is only a slight pinch and nothing to fear.

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